Complex Procedures – Oral Rehabilitation

Dr. Morgulis, as a certified specialist in prosthodontics – oral rehabilitation, gives treatment solutions in the most difficult cases, where teeth were lost or severely compromised, and where there is an impaired aesthetics or functional disability.

Collaborating with a team of national leading experts [Periodontics (Gum disease) , Endodontics (Root canal treatment)  and Orthodontic specialists], you will receive a professional, uncompromising  treatment of the highest quality.

Using the clinic’s advanced technological equipment, which leads the revolution in the world of dentistry, the path to the desired result is quick and accurate.





Complicated  oral rehabilitation in a patient with involuntary movements

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Disability of the Masticatory system, broken implants and teeth, failed rehabilitation

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Smile Before

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Complex oral rehabilitation for a patient with bruxism, lack of teeth and over-eruption

A meticulous planning and implementation of a treatment. The result is retained by regular maintenance and by using an oral appliance  for protecting the crowns

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Unaesthetic look, Gingivitis, missing back teeth and eruption of counter teeth

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Correction of teeth position and restoring with crowns on teeth and implants

Complex oral  rehabilitation due to neglect and destruction

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Damaged and neglected dentition

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Significant improvement after Correction using partial dentures, treating Gingival disease and increasing awareness and cooperation


Complex oral rehabilitation of patient with high risk for dental caries 

A complex case which involved caries treatment and caries-risk reduction protocol, restoring back teeth on implants and mandibular orthodontic treatment – allowed using natural teeth, thus obviating the need for even more complex treatment.

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Posterior teeth loss and ruined crowned tooth due to dental caries

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After (2 years after)

Aesthetic result is retained with no new caries lesions,

thanks to meticulous  maintenance and improved habits

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Damaged dentition combined with lower teeth eruption.

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After (3 years after)

A stable and maintainable Dental repair and lower teeth correction using Orthodontics  
